IM® 6-12 Math Teach & Learn Virtual Professional Learning
Register for a special virtual professional teach & learn opportunity from Kendall Hunt and Illustrative Mathematics for grades 6-12 teachers and administrators. Facilitated by IM-Certified® trainers, the focus of the various sessions include: establishing routines, experiencing the problem-based learning, curriculum overview for teachers and preparing to teach a unit.
This event will be limited to the first 25 attendees who sign up. After that, additional sign-ups will be added to a wait list in case any of the initial 25 attendees cannot attend. There is a minimum of 10 registrations per each grade band to run the event. If the minimum is not met, the event will be canceled. We will communicate with you if you have been added to the wait list or if there has been any cancelations.
Dates: May 12-15, 2025
Time: 5:30-7:30 pm CT (each day)
Location: Virtually via Zoom
Cost: $800 each participant for 8 hours of training. The registration fee is non-refundable.
Deadline to Register: Friday, May 2, 2025. The form may close early if seats become full.
Limited Seating: 25 participants
Minimum Requirement to Run Academy: 10 people
6-12 Virtual Modules & Learning Goals for Each Session
Part 1: May 12, 5:30-7:30 pm CT
Experiencing Problem-Based Instruction - In this part, participants experience a complete problem-based lesson and explore how this principle is experienced by teachers and students, and the support built into the curriculum to help teachers engage students in learning through problem solving.
Part 2: May 13, 5:30-7:30 pm CT
Trying Out the Online Platform & Inviting Student Thinking - Participants will dive into the online platform and explore the digital curriculum, as well as learn to define invitation, leverage curriculum embedded invitations, and cultivate mathematical communities
Part 3: May 14, 5:30-7:30 pm CT
Planning a Unit & Enhancing Access to Mathematics and Assessment - Participants will learn about the support built into the IM curriculum for students with disabilities and English Language Learners, and study the built-in opportunities for formative and summative assessment. Participants also take a deeper look at the structure of Unit 5 through their study of the assessments.
Part 4: May 15, 5:30-7:30 pm CT
Planning a Lesson & Teaching a Unit - Participants will engage in collaborative planning, focusing on supporting students whether or not distance learning is in place next year, as well as learning more about IM’s resources for supporting students’ unfinished learning from prior grades.
Learning Goals
- Describe an instructional routine and how instructional routines help students:
- play with mathematical ideas
- learn by collaborating with each other
- listen, respond to, and value each other’s thinking
- Prepare an instructional routine.
- Identify opportunities for students to learn mathematical ideas through the experience of solving problems.
- Describe the overarching design structure and the structure of a lesson and the purpose of each component.
- Describe norms that build a positive, inclusive mathematical community.
- Locate resources and opportunities to enhance access and challenge for students with disabilities and English learners.
- Explain the purposes of different assessments within the curriculum.
- Identify multiple opportunities for assessment within the curriculum.
- Recognize the progression of understanding across the unit and how it is assessed.
- Begin to plan a unit and a lesson using the progression of understanding; using student thinking to drive learning.
- Trust the curriculum.
- Describe how the curriculum supports mathematical language development for all students.
- Explain how to use activity-specific opportunities to enhance access students have to the mathematics by supporting them with the language demands of a specific activity.
- Describe how mathematical language routines are used throughout the curriculum to support students’ mathematical sense-making and communication.