SEARCH RESULTS: 271 - 275 of 637
Math Innovations Course 1: A Balancing Act: Focusing on Equality, Algebraic Expressions, and Equations Teacher 6 year online license
By: Author(s): Sheffield, Linda Jensen
ISBN: 9780757583308
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2010Format:
Math Innovations Course 1: A Balancing Act: Focusing on Equality, Algebraic Expressions, and Equations: Assessments Text + 6 year online license
By: Author(s): Sheffield, Linda Jensen
ISBN: 9780757571640
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2010Format:
Math Innovations Course 1: At This Rate: Focusing on Ratios, Proportions and Statistics Teacher Text + 6 year online license
By: Author(s): Sheffield, Linda Jensen
ISBN: 9781465212580
Edition: 2
Copyright: 2013Format:
Math Innovations Course 1: At This Rate: Focusing on Ratios, Proportions and Statistics Student Text + 6 year online license
By: Author(s): Sheffield, Linda Jensen
ISBN: 9781465212566
Edition: 2
Copyright: 2013Format:
Math Innovations Course 1: At This Rate: Focusing on Ratios, Proportions and Statistics Assessments 6 year online license
By: Author(s): Sheffield, Linda Jensen
ISBN: 9781465212634
Edition: 2
Copyright: 2013ISBN: 9780757583896
Edition: 1