Enhancing Writing Through Visualization
Author(s): Jerry Johns, Linda Zeigler, Virginia R Beesley
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2007
Pages: 210
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2007
Pages: 210
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Now teachers have a "how to" book to help them teach students the strategy of visualization and the important role it plays in literacy.
By integrating visualization into the writing process, students think as they create. And since an image looks the same in any language--this research-based strategy benefits every learner! The ultimate goal is for students to become lifelong writers. This research-based book provides teachers with 55 lessons arranged developmentally into 15 goals.
Writing Indicators - each lesson is prefaced with information to help teachers choose lessons that match the needs of their students. The indicators are labeled with writing traits to help teachers comprehend how each lesson incorporates multiple elements of writing.
Guided Practice - 55 lessons are arranged developmentally into 15 goals within three stages: realizing, understanding, and applying. Each of the stages contains goals to help students gain competence in that stage.
Modeling - sample lessons instruct teachers to share their thinking. Student writing examples serve as models to help teachers assess their students' writing.
Application - at the end of each goal, simple instructions help teachers apply the learning through reinforcement activities, questions/cues for individual students, and links to literature.
Instructional Focus - includes indicators found within writing standards of many states. These indicators easily link with the six traits of writing (see "Using the Lessons" sample for more information)
Book Design - this book is set-up as three stages: realizing, understanding, and applying.
About the Authors
Using the Lessons
Visualization Overview, Questions and Answers
Overview 1
Goal 1: To help students realize that authors create text to stimulate mental images in a reader.
Lesson 1 Making Pictures
Lesson 2 Dare to Compare
Lesson 3 Do You See What I See?
Lesson 4 The Power of Words
Reinforcing Goal 1
Questions and Cues for Writers
Ways to Link Literature
Goal 2: To help students realize that mental images should be created before, during, and after writing.
Lesson 1 Ideas Galore
Lesson 2 Before, During, After
Lesson 3 Guided Imagery
Reinforcing Goal 2
Questions and Cues for Writers
Ways to Link Literature
Goal 3: To help students realize that mental images come from imagination and prior knowledge and can be used to create text.
Lesson 1 Beyond the Picture
Lesson 2 What-If
Lesson 3 Free Ideas: Connecting Painting and Writing
Reinforcing Goal 3
Questions and Cues for Writers
Ways to Link Literature
Writing Examples from Stage 1: Realizing
Goal 4: To help students understand how to use visualization at all stages of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising and editing, and presenting).
Lesson 1 Envisioning the Writing Process
Lesson 2 Dogs for All Reasons
Lesson 3 Expand Thinking with Questions
Lesson 4 Visualize to Revise and Edit
Lesson 5 Big Picture Revision
Lesson 6 Big Picture Sequence
Reinforcing Goal 4
Questions and Cues for Writers
Ways to Link Literature
Writing Examples from Goal 4
Goal 5: To help students understand how to use appropriate word choice to help convey the desired detailed imagery to the reader.
Lesson 1 Visualize a Character
Lesson 2 Creation
Lesson 3 Word Collectors
Lesson 4 Creating Word Lists
Reinforcing Goal 5
Questions and Cues for Writers
Ways to Link Literature
Writing Examples from Goal 5
Goal 6: To help students understand how to create fluent sentences and use conventions to help readers visualize.
Lesson 1 Putting It Together
Lesson 2 Sentence Builder
Lesson 3 Sentence Generator
Lesson 4 Phrasing a Character
Reinforcing Goal 6
Questions and Cues for Writers
Ways to Link Literature
Writing Examples from Goal 6
Goal 7: To help students understand how to use effective organization to move the reader from one image to another.
Lesson 1 Making It Move
Lesson 2 One Thing Leads to Another
Lesson 3 See the Question to See the Answer
Lesson 4 From Here to There and Back Again
Reinforcing Goal 7
Questions and Cues for Writers
Ways to Link Literature
Writing Examples from Goal 7
Goal 8: To help students understand how to create text so readers can experience sensory and/or emotional images.
Lesson 1 Emotions Lead to Communication
Lesson 2 Ways to Persuade
Lesson 3 Zoom In and Focus
Lesson 4 Words Matter
Reinforcing Goal 8
Questions and Cues for Writers
Ways to Link Literature
Writing Examples from Goal 8
Goal 9: To help students understand how to use figurative language and literary techniques to deepen the reader's visualization experience.
Lesson 1 The "Eyes" Have It
Lesson 2 Remember When/Flashback
Lesson 3 Authors Show Us How
Lesson 4 If Judy Were a Shoe
Lesson 5 Making Heads and Tails of Idiomatic Expressions
Reinforcing Goal 9
Questions and Cues for Writers
Ways to Link Literature
Writing Examples from Goal 9
Goal 10: To help students use visualization to create narrative text.
Lesson 1 Plan a Narrative
Lesson 2 Color My World
Lesson 3 Hat Stories
Goal 11: To help students use visualization to create expository text.
Lesson 1 Fact Finders
Lesson 2 Finding Out
Lesson 3 Analyze a Poem
Goal 12: To help students use visualization to create technical text.
Lesson 1 Act Like an Animal
Lesson 2 Artifact Investigation
Lesson 3 Favorite Pastimes
Goal 13: To help students use visualization to create persuasive text.
Lesson 1 Fact and Opinion
Lesson 2 To Do or Not to Do
Lesson 3 Nature Reflection Pro and Con
Goal 14: To help students use visualization to create text to express unique thoughts and ideas.
Lesson 1 Inspiration
Lesson 2 Reflect and See
Lesson 3 Free-painting a Response to Literature
Goal 15: To help students use visualization to create multiple text types.
Lesson 1 From Facts to Fiction
Lesson 2 Rethinking a Character
Lesson 3 Poetry PowerPoint
Reinforcing Goals 10-15
Questions and Cues for Writers
Ways to Link Literature
Appendices: A: Writing Indicators B: Genre Checklist C: Powerful Prompts
Jerry Johns
Jerry L. Johns, Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus at Northern Illinois University, served as president of International Reading Association during 2002-2003. He has been recognized as a distinguished professor, writer, and outstanding teacher educator. He taught students from kindergarten through college and now serves as a consultant and speaker to schools and professional organizations. Jerry is a past president of Illinois Reading Council, College Reading Association, and Northern Illinois Reading Council. He has received recognition for outstanding service to each of these professional organizations and is a member of the Illinois Reading Council Hall of Fame. Jerry has served on numerous committees of the International Reading Association and was a member of the Board of Directors. He has also received the Outstanding Teacher Educator in Reading award from the International Reading Association, the Champion of Children Award from the HOSTS corporation, and the Laureate Award from the College Reading Association (CRA) for significant contributions to CRA and the field of reading and reading instruction. Jerry has been invited to consult, conduct workshops, and make presentations for teachers and professional groups throughout the United States and in seven countries. He has also prepared over twenty books and related resources that have been useful to a diverse group of educators. His Basic Reading Inventory is widely used in undergraduate and graduate classes, as well as by practicing teachers. Jerry recently coauthored the fourth edition of Improving Reading: Strategies and Resources. Other recent titles include the third edition of Fluency: Strategies & Assessments, Comprehension and Vocabulary Strategies for the Elementary Grades, Reading and Learning Strategies: Middle Grades through High School, and Strategies for Content Area Learning, and Visualization: Using Mental Images to Strengthen Comprehension.
Linda Zeigler
Linda L. Zeigler is currently an elementary principal at Quinter Elementary for Quinter Public Schools. She brings twenty-five years of teaching experience in public schools. Linda taught prereading to preschoolers and reading to kindergarten through sixth-grade students. As an adjunct faculty member for Fort Hays State University (FHSU) in Hays, Kansas, she taught both undergraduate and graduate courses in reading. Linda has presented at state, regional, and international reading conferences. She has helped a number of schools as a reading consultant and has presented numerous reading inservices in several states. She serves on the editorial board for the Kansas Reading Journal. Linda has teamed on state-level committees to help advance reading assessment and instruction in the state of Kansas. She has worked with Jerry Johns to develop One Reader at a Time, which rates a student's reading performance using rubrics and continuums. This management notebook and computer program uses the Basic Reading Inventory as the assessment tool to find each student's strengths and areas of concern. Research using this reading inventory and the analysis program demonstrated the need for students to be intentionally taught to use the strategy of visualization, which planted the seeds for Visualization: Using Mental Images to Strengthen Comprehension. Enhancing Writing through Visualization, is a result of discovering how visualization builds a valuable reading/writing connection to improve literacy skills.
Virginia R Beesley
Virginia R. Beesley, high school English teacher at Quinter High School and adjunct faculty member for Colby Community College, is in her thirteenth year of teaching high school English. During those thirteen years, she has also taught Advanced Placement and middle school classes, directed all-school plays, and coached forensics. This year she is teaching a high school reading class for the first time. Virginia is second vice president of the governing board of the Kansas Association of Teachers of English (KATE), a new member of the William Allen White Award Selection Committee, and a teacher consultant for the Flint Hills Writing Project. As a presenter at the KATE Annual Conference, the Fort Hays State University Fall English Conference, and a number of school in-services throughout western Kansas, Virginia has shared her experiences with teaching poetry, Shakespeare, vocabulary, and writing. Virginia credits her interest in visualization to a number of long conversations with Linda about students' struggles with literacy, beginning when Linda was her son's second-grade teacher and spanning the years since. She started writing about visualization as a writing strategy when she was a teaching fellow with the Flint Hills Writing Project in 2003. Her article on that subject was published in 2004 in the Kansas English Journal.