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Helping Hands Healing Hands

Author(s): Adrianne Fletcher


Geared to the 4–8-year-old, Helping Hands, Healing Hands is about family engagement, work ethic, and planning for the future. Caring and invested adults can help children think about not only what kind of work they want to do one day, but also what kind of person they want to be when they grow up. The latter is most important.

Adrianne Fletcher

Adrianne holds a PhD from Loyola University Chicago. She has spent much of her career as a clinician helping children and families to manage troubles that get in the way of everyday life. Adrianne serves as one of the Vice Deans at Case Western Reserve University’s School of Medicine and as an Assistant Professor at the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences. Adrianne enjoys teaching young and adult learners. She also enjoys what she calls empathetic window cleaning for folks who want to know better so they can be and do better.