Insights in Biology is an introductory biology course that develops fundamental concepts in biology in a context that is relevant to all students, presenting ideas within a story line that ties together these concepts.
New to Second Edition New to the second edition of Insights in Biology:
-Updated content on cell biology, genetics, molecular biology and ecology.
-Single, case bound, four-color teacher and student editions.
-Wrap-around Teacher Edition
-NSTA's SciLinks
-Engaging, full color photographs.
Student Edition (Four Color Case Bound -- NEW FORMAT!)
The Student Edition contains four units, each of which is made up of 10 or more learning experiences. The units address major topics in biology including cell biology, genetics, molecular biology, and ecology. Each topic is developed around a specific theme or story line. Each learning experience includes:
--The Prologue (connects new learning experience with previous learning experience)
--Readings and Case Studies
--Embedded Assessments
--Extending Ideas
--Career Focus
Unit Descriptions
Unit 1: The Matter of Life (Cell Biology)
What are the characteristics that define life? This unit explores the universal characteristics and processes that all living things share. Students observe organisms and identify the characteristics of living things. They investigate and identify the resources required by organisms and determine how these resources are used to sustain life and how living organisms affect their environment. Students relate scientific explanations of the origins of life to their understandings of the universal nature of the biomolecules and the metabolic processes found in all organisms. They model cell structures and determine how these structures enable the life processes to occur. Finally, students evaluate their own understandings of life and explore the biological, social, legal and economic definitions of death.
Unit 2: Traits and Fates (Genetics)
Who am I? How have I become me? What about me might change in the future? This unit explores the traits, the mechanisms by which they are expressed, how they vary, and how they are inherited. Students examine DNA as the genetic legacy and determine that the segments of DNA (genes) code for proteins, which result in traits. This unit challenges students to apply their understanding of genetic principles to assess the impact and the value of new genetic research and technologies on their lives.
Unit 3: The Blueprints of Infection (Molecular Biology)
This unit uses the topic of infectious diseases as a vehicle for students to explore the cellular processes of information transfer, to investigate how disruption of basic cellular processes can manifest itself as a disease, to investigate the immune system response to infection, and to examine the personal and social ramifications of infectious disease.
Unit 4: What on Earth (Ecology)
How are organisms interrelated with one another and with the environment? How did such complex ecosystems and the diverse organisms in them come to be? What is the future of life on Earth? What on Earth? Examines the basic concepts that underlie the interactions of organisms, including humans, with the resources in the environment. It introduces the following concepts: the components of ecosystems, how nutrients and energy move through ecosystems, the factors that influence population growth, and how evolutionary forces have caused the diversity of ecosystems and of the species within them.
Unit Descriptions
Unit 1: The Matter of Life (Cell Biology)
What are the characteristics that define life? This unit explores the universal characteristics and processes that all living things share. Students observe organisms and identify the characteristics of living things. They investigate and identify the resources required by organisms and determine how these resources are used to sustain life and how living organisms affect their environment. Students relate scientific explanations of the origins of life to their understandings of the universal nature of the biomolecules and the metabolic processes found in all organisms. They model cell structures and determine how these structures enable the life processes to occur. Finally, students evaluate their own understandings of life and explore the biological, social, legal and economic definitions of death.
Unit 2: Traits and Fates (Genetics)
Who am I? How have I become me? What about me might change in the future? This unit explores the traits, the mechanisms by which they are expressed, how they vary, and how they are inherited. Students examine DNA as the genetic legacy and determine that the segments of DNA (genes) code for proteins, which result in traits. This unit challenges students to apply their understanding of genetic principles to assess the impact and the value of new genetic research and technologies on their lives.
Unit 3: The Blueprints of Infection (Molecular Biology)
This unit uses the topic of infectious diseases as a vehicle for students to explore the cellular processes of information transfer, to investigate how disruption of basic cellular processes can manifest itself as a disease, to investigate the immune system response to infection, and to examine the personal and social ramifications of infectious disease.
Unit 4: What on Earth (Ecology)
How are organisms interrelated with one another and with the environment? How did such complex ecosystems and the diverse organisms in them come to be? What is the future of life on Earth? What on Earth? Examines the basic concepts that underlie the interactions of organisms, including humans, with the resources in the environment. It introduces the following concepts: the components of ecosystems, how nutrients and energy move through ecosystems, the factors that influence population growth, and how evolutionary forces have caused the diversity of ecosystems and of the species within them.
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