In this module, students begin to develop an understanding of some of the basic principles that answer the question, "Why do structures stand up?" They look at structures in the school neighborhood, observing the variety in size, shape, material, and function. They build their own structures, using straws, index cards, and other materials.
As they build, students explore some of the basic concepts of standing structures. These include live load, dead load, tension and compression, and the role of shapes and trusses. By comparing their structures with those in their community, students learn how structure and design are influenced by function, materials, and aesthetics.
Each Teacher Guide includes:
- Specific teaching and management strategies
- Detailed teaching sequences for teaching the first three phases of the Learning Experience (Getting Started; Exploring and Discovering; and Processing For Meaning)
- Reproducible masters for Student Science Notebook pages, Group Recording Sheets, and Home-School Worksheets
- Extension activities in science, language arts and social studies
- Assessment materials (an introductory questionnaire, embedded assessments, and a final questionnaire consisting of performance and written components)
- Science Background (provides general science concepts as they are introduced and developed in the module) to help prepare teacher
- Teacher and Student Resources section (annotated lists of children's books, teacher reference books, and technological aids)
The Insights Elementary Science Curriculum
Introduction to Structures
How to Get Started Using an Insights Module
Teaching Level
Time and Scheduling
Organization of Each Learning Experience
Teaching Strategies
Model Science Learning
Encourage Exploration
Structure Student Groups
Address Diverse Student Populations
Include Students with Learning and Physical Disabilities
Modify and Adapt the Module
Curricular Connections
Science and Literacy
Mathematical Thinking
Instructional Technology
Home-School Connection
Teaching-Learning Framework
Scientific Inquiry Framework
Assessment Framework
Gathering Data
Data Recording Tools
Class Record
Science Concepts
Abilities and Understandings Necessary to Do Scientific Inquiry
Student Profile
Science Concepts
Abilities and Understandings Necessary to Do Scientific Inquiry
Alignment to the National Science Education Standards
Conceptual Story Line
Summary of Learning Experiences
Safety Rules
Summary of Materials
Introductory Assessment
1 Structures in Our Neighborhood
2 Why Do Structures Stand Up?
3 Making a Structure
4 What It Feels Like to Be a Structure: Dead Load/Live Load
5 Live-Load Challenge
6 Frameworks
7 Card Constructions
8 Shapes
9 What It Feels Like to Be a Structure: Tension and Compression
10 Tension and Compression: Triangles
11 Building Bridges (Embedded Assessment)
12 The Second Tour: What Do You See Now?
13 Creative Playground Construction (Final Performance Assessment)
Final Assessment
Student Resources
Teacher Resources
Education Development Center Inc