Accompany the characters as plans arise on many people's sides, nothing seemingly occurs according to these plans, and in traditional Shakespearean fashion, the play ends in a dramatic, tragic bloodbath. Hamlet, one of Shakespeare's most famous works, is the dramatic account of events at Castle Elsinore, Denmark, circa 1600. Its protagonist, Prince Hamlet, is told within the first act of the play that his father, who has recently died, was actually murdered for his crown and his wife by his own brother, the current King Claudius (Hamlet's uncle). Hamlet learns this from the ghost of his departed father, who also implores Prince Hamlet to avenge his "murder most foul," leaving the prince with a sworn oath to kill his own uncle-stepfather.

The Center for Gifted Education (CFGE) at William & Mary University (College of William & Mary), is a research and development center providing services to educators, policy makers, graduate students, researchers, and parents in support of the needs of gifted and talented individuals.
Located in Williamsburg, Virginia, the CFGE has established an international reputation for excellence in research, curriculum development, and service. Several major grants, including funding from the Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act, have provided significant support for the work of the Center. In 2012, the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation awarded CFGE the funds needed for a summer residential camp for low income, high-ability children, for four consecutive years. In 2015, William & Mary alumni, Mike and Nancy Petters, through the Petters Family Foundation, provided additional financial support to the program. In 2016, the Petters Family Foundation has committed to fully fund the program for the next four years. Camp Launch is only the beginning of the Center for Gifted Education’s goal to bring educational equality to all gifted students.