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OpenSciEd Chemistry + Earth & Space Unit 4: Chemical Reactions in Our World Teacher Edition



OpenSciEd High School addresses all high school NGSS standards. This comprehensive science curriculum empowers students to question, design, investigate, and solve the world around them. 

  • Phenomenon Based - Centered around exploring phenomena or solving problems
  • Driven by Student Questions - Storyline based on students’ questions and ideas 
  • Grounded in Evidence - Incremental building and revision of ideas based on evidence 
  • Collaborative - class and teacher figure out ideas together
  • Equitable - Builds a classroom culture that values ideas and learning of all

The OpenSciEd model uses a storyline approach, introducing phenomena that anchors storylines developing disciplinary core ideas, concepts, and science/engineering practices. Students are encouraged to dive deep into key points and solve problems through five activities. 

C.4 Chemical Reactions in our World: Why are oysters dying, and how can we use chemistry to protect them?

This unit is designed to build a deeper understanding about chemical reactions by exploring reversible reactions through exploration of ocean acidification. Students watch case videos, analyze data, and read about how movement of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to the ocean makes the ocean more acidic. They consider how oyster die-offs may affect communities that rely on oysters for a food source. Students break down this large scale problem into a few key subproblems so they can use chemistry to try to solve them. They figure out how changes in concentration of H+ ions in water leads to changes in water pH. They use their knowledge of chemical reactions and mathematical thinking (stoichiometry) to determine the amounts of a substance they could use to neutralize acidic water. Students consider engineering trade-offs, criteria, and constraints to use chemistry to develop a design solution at a specific site to address oyster die-offs. They apply their thinking in a culminating task around increasing rates of ammonia fertilizer.

Unit Overview

Unit Storyline

Teacher Background Knowledge

Home Communication

Lesson 1: What is happening to oysters?

Lesson 2: How can we break down the problem so we can solve it?

Lesson 3: Can carbon dioxide make the ocean more acidic?

Lesson 4: What is it about a substance that determines whether it produces more or fewer H+ or OH- ions when it is added to water?

Lesson 5: How does carbon dioxide move between the atmosphere and ocean systems to cause the water to become more acidic?

Lesson 6: How can acidic water become less acidic again?

Lesson 7: How can we use what we have learned to help protect oysters?

Lesson 8: How can we figure out how much of a substance we need to neutralize acid?

Lesson 9: How much NaOH would we need to add to make ocean water safe for oysters?

Lesson 10: How does ocean acidification hurt oysters?

Lesson 11: How can we help oysters build shells quickly?

Lesson 12: What criteria and constraints do we need to consider when designing solutions to help protect oysters?

Lesson 13: How can we apply our science ideas to develop a solution to help protect oysters?

Lesson 14: How well do our different design solutions address our criteria and constraints?

Lesson 15: How can we apply our learning to other situations?

Unit C.4 Teacher Reference Materials

Unit C.4 Lesson-Specific Teacher Materials


OpenSciEd®​ was launched to improve the supply of and address the demand for high-quality, open-source, full course science instructional materials.  The goals of OpenSciEd are to ensure any science teacher, anywhere, can access and download freely available, high quality, locally adaptable materials.  Though the goal of providing full course materials is still a couple of years away, OpenSciEd is releasing six-week units of instruction as they are completed and externally evaluated as quality by Achieve’s Science Peer Review Panel.

OpenSciEd classroom materials are an open education resource and therefore free to download, copy, use, and/or modify.  You can download the instructional materials free of charge at Access Materials page on the OpenSciEd website.

In an effort to lower barriers for all educators to use OpenSciEd, Kendall Hunt and OpenSciEd have partnered to sell high quality printed books, professional learning and lab kits.