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OpenSciEd Grade 3 Unit 1: Forces & Interactions Teacher Edition



The OpenSciEd elementary science program aligns with all NGSS standards for elementary education. This comprehensive curriculum encourages students to explore, design, investigate, and solve problems in the world around them. 

  • Phenomenon Based - Centered around exploring phenomena or solving problems
  • Driven by Student Questions - Storyline based on students’ questions and ideas 
  • Grounded in Evidence - Incremental building and revision of ideas based on evidence 
  • Collaborative - class and teacher figure out ideas together
  • Equitable - Builds a classroom culture that values ideas and learning of all

The materials invite students to explore science through a phenomenon-based, three-dimensional approach that promotes curiosity, understanding, and equitable learning. Crafted with insights from teachers and students across the country, each unit features thoughtfully selected phenomena and engaging storylines that draw students in. Along the journey, students develop essential skills like problem-solving, asking meaningful questions, and building arguments supported by evidence. With an interdisciplinary design, these units also seamlessly integrate literacy and math, nurturing critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving skills.

Unit 3.1 Forces & Interactions – How can we design objects to balance and move in different ways?

Have you ever seen something in the world that is balanced in an interesting or puzzling way? Have you wondered how it stays balanced without falling over? This unit launches with art sculptures that do just this – the sculptures balance and move in ways that make students wonder how they work. Through a series of investigations, students develop ideas about the multiple forces acting on a sculpture to keep it upright and not fall over, or to create predictable motion. Students plan and carry out investigations to test what works and does not work to design sculptures. The unit re-anchors with a new type of sculpture – one that moves in interesting ways using magnets with nothing making contact. Students learn about the size and direction of forces between magnets and between magnets and some metal objects. Students then apply these ideas about magnets to design an object and device that solves a problem.

Unit Summary 

Unit Storyline

Unit Overview 

Vocabulary Guidance

Safety Information

About the Science

Assessment System Overview

Lesson 1 

Lesson 2 

Lesson 3 

Lesson 4 

Lesson 5 

Lesson 6 

Lesson 7 

Lesson 8 

Lesson 9 

Lesson 10 

Lesson 11

Lesson 12

Lesson 13

Lesson 14

Standards Matrices


OpenSciEd®​ was launched to improve the supply of and address the demand for high-quality, open-source, full course science instructional materials.  The goals of OpenSciEd are to ensure any science teacher, anywhere, can access and download freely available, high quality, locally adaptable materials.  Though the goal of providing full course materials is still a couple of years away, OpenSciEd is releasing six-week units of instruction as they are completed and externally evaluated as quality by Achieve’s Science Peer Review Panel.

OpenSciEd classroom materials are an open education resource and therefore free to download, copy, use, and/or modify.  You can download the instructional materials free of charge at Access Materials page on the OpenSciEd website.

In an effort to lower barriers for all educators to use OpenSciEd, Kendall Hunt and OpenSciEd have partnered to sell high quality printed books, professional learning and lab kits.