OpenSciEd Middle School science program addresses all middle school NGSS standards. This comprehensive science curriculum empowers students to question, design, investigate, and solve the world around them.
- Phenomenon Based - Centered around exploring phenomena or solving problems
- Driven by Student Questions - Storyline based on students’ questions and ideas
- Grounded in Evidence - Incremental building and revision of ideas based on evidence
- Collaborative - class and teacher figure out ideas together
- Equitable - Builds a classroom culture that values ideas and learning of all
The OpenSciEd model uses a storyline approach, introducing phenomena that anchors storylines developing disciplinary core ideas, concepts, and science/engineering practices. Students are encouraged to dive deep into key points and solve problems through five activities. Students kick off a unit of study, investigate questions, piece together the puzzle in investigations, and problematize the next set of questions to investigate.
Unit 7.3: How do things inside our bodies work together to make us feel the way we do?
This unit on metabolic reactions in the human body starts out with students exploring a real case study of a middle-school girl named M’Kenna, who reported some alarming symptoms to her doctor. Her symptoms included an inability to concentrate, headaches, stomach issues when she eats, and a lack of energy for everyday activities and sports that she used to play regularly. She also reported noticeable weight loss over the past few months, in spite of consuming what appeared to be a healthy diet. Her case sparks questions and ideas for investigations around trying to figure out which pathways and processes in M’Kenna’s body might be functioning differently than a healthy system and why.
Students investigate data specific to M’Kenna’s case in the form of doctor’s notes, endoscopy images and reports, growth charts, and micrographs. They also draw from their results from laboratory experiments on the chemical changes involving the processing of food and from digital interactives to explore how food is transported, transformed, stored, and used across different body systems in all people. Through this work of figuring out what is causing M’Kenna’s symptoms, the class discovers what happens to the food we eat after it enters our bodies and how M’Kenna’s different symptoms are connected.
Lesson 1: What is going on inside M’Kenna’s body that is making her feel the way she does?
Lesson 2: Can we see anything inside M’Kenna that looks different?
Lesson 3: Why do molecules in the small intestine seem like they are disappearing?
Lesson 4: What happens to food molecules as they move through the small intestine and large intestine?
Lesson 5: Why do large food molecules, like some complex carbohydrates, seem to disappear in the digestive system?
Lesson 6: What happens to the different substances in food as it travels through the digestive system?
Lesson 7: What is the function of the digestive system, and how is M’Kenna’s digestive system different?
Lesson 8: What does the surface of M’Kenna’s small intestine look like up close compared with a healthy one?
Lesson 9: How can a problem in one body system cause problems in other systems?
Lesson 10: Why is M’Kenna losing so much weight?
Lesson 11: What happens to matter when it is burned?
Lesson 12: Does this chemical reaction to burn food happen inside our bodies?
Lesson 13: How does a healthy body use food for energy and growth, and how is M’Kenna’s body functioning differently?
Lesson 14: Do all animals do chemical reactions to get energy from food like humans?
Lesson 15: What questions on our Driving Question Board can we now answer?
OpenSciEd® was launched to improve the supply of and address the demand for high-quality, open-source, full course science instructional materials. The goals of OpenSciEd are to ensure any science teacher, anywhere, can access and download freely available, high quality, locally adaptable materials. Though the goal of providing full course materials is still a couple of years away, OpenSciEd is releasing six-week units of instruction as they are completed and externally evaluated as quality by Achieve’s Science Peer Review Panel.
OpenSciEd classroom materials are an open education resource and therefore free to download, copy, use, and/or modify. You can download the instructional materials free of charge at Access Materials page on the OpenSciEd website.
In an effort to lower barriers for all educators to use OpenSciEd, Kendall Hunt and OpenSciEd have partnered to sell high quality printed books, professional learning and lab kits.