OpenSciEd Middle School science program addresses all middle school NGSS standards. This comprehensive science curriculum empowers students to question, design, investigate, and solve the world around them.
- Phenomenon Based - Centered around exploring phenomena or solving problems
- Driven by Student Questions - Storyline based on students’ questions and ideas
- Grounded in Evidence - Incremental building and revision of ideas based on evidence
- Collaborative - class and teacher figure out ideas together
- Equitable - Builds a classroom culture that values ideas and learning of all
The OpenSciEd model uses a storyline approach, introducing phenomena that anchors storylines developing disciplinary core ideas, concepts, and science/engineering practices. Students are encouraged to dive deep into key points and solve problems through five activities. Students kick off a unit of study, investigate questions, piece together the puzzle in investigations, and problematize the next set of questions to investigate.
Unit 8.5: Why are living things different from one another?
This unit on genetics starts out with students noticing and wondering about photos of two cattle, one of whom has significantly more muscle than the other. The students then observe photos of other animals with similar differences in musculature: dogs, fish, rabbits, and mice. After developing initial models for the possible causes of these differences in musculature, students explore a collection of photos showing a range of visible differences.
In the first lesson set, students use videos, photos, data sets, and readings to investigate what causes an animal to get extra-big muscles. Students figure out how muscles typically develop as a result of environmental factors such as exercise and diet. Then, students work with cattle pedigrees, including data about chromosomes and proteins, to figure out genetic factors that influence the heavily muscled phenotype and explore selective breeding in cattle. In the second lesson set, students use what they’ve learned from explaining cattle musculature to help them explain other trait variations they’ve seen. They investigate plant reproduction, including selective breeding and asexual reproduction (in plants and other organisms) and other examples of traits that are influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Students figure out that environmental and genetic factors together play a role in the differences we see among living things.
Lesson 1: How do organisms get their differences?
Lesson 2: How do extra-big muscles compare to typical ones up close?
Lesson 3: How do diet and exercise affect muscle size?
Lesson 4: What is different about the food and exercise for cattle with extra-big muscles?
Lesson 5: Where do the babies with extra-big muscles get that trait variation?
Lesson 6: How do chromosomes cause cattle to be born with extra-big muscles?
Lesson 7: How does an animal get extra-big muscles?
Lesson 8: Why don’t offspring always look like their parents or their siblings?
Lesson 9: How do farmers control the variation in their animals?
Lesson 10: How can we use our model to explain a different trait variation?
Lesson 11: How can we answer the rest of our questions?
Lesson 12: Do plants have genetic material?
Lesson 13: How do plants reproduce?
Lesson 14: (How) do other organisms reproduce without sperm and eggs?
Lesson 15: How do we get variations if the genetic information is exactly the same?
Lesson 16: How much of trait variation in a population is controlled by genes or by the environment?
Lesson 17: Why are living things different from one another?
OpenSciEd® was launched to improve the supply of and address the demand for high-quality, open-source, full course science instructional materials. The goals of OpenSciEd are to ensure any science teacher, anywhere, can access and download freely available, high quality, locally adaptable materials. Though the goal of providing full course materials is still a couple of years away, OpenSciEd is releasing six-week units of instruction as they are completed and externally evaluated as quality by Achieve’s Science Peer Review Panel.
OpenSciEd classroom materials are an open education resource and therefore free to download, copy, use, and/or modify. You can download the instructional materials free of charge at Access Materials page on the OpenSciEd website.
In an effort to lower barriers for all educators to use OpenSciEd, Kendall Hunt and OpenSciEd have partnered to sell high quality printed books, professional learning and lab kits.