Personal + Community Health by Dr. Joni Boyd and Dr. Shelley Hamill is a complete guide to health for college students. It concentrates on all areas of wellness and focuses equally on physical, mental, emotional, and relational health. Personal + Community Health also includes numerous opportunities for self-assessment and details of how to build healthy habits and maintain them with intentionality. With examples tailored specifically to the college experience, students will discover helpful, applicable information again and again.
Personal + Community Health by Dr. Joni Boyd and Dr. Shelley Hamill features:
- Pre-Assessments of each chapter to get students engaged and thinking about the material.
- Content that is current and applicable for personal and community health issues of today.
- Activities and information tailored to the specific demographics of Winthrop University students.
- Information about on campus resources for students to maximize health, well-being, and academic success.
Welcome to Personal and Community Health!
About the Authors
Chapter 1 Foundations
Chapter 2 Stress Management
Chapter 3 Psychological Health
Chapter 4 Physical Activity and Fitness
Chapter 5 Nutrition
Chapter 6 Relationships
Chapter 7 Sexual Health
Chapter 8 Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drugs
Chapter 9 Human Diseases
Chapter 10 Safety Awareness