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On Road to Student Success: Designing Lessons that Maximize Student Learning

Author(s): Lynda Fote, Mary Ann Joseph

Edition: 2

Copyright: 2017


Lynda Fote

Mary Ann Joseph

Since their first edition of Accomplished Teaching, the Key to National Board Certification, Bess Jennings and MaryAnn Joseph have had the privilege of presenting their work nationally, including presentations at NBPTS Conferences. Across the country, they continue to work with colleagues as teacher leaders. For both MaryAnn and Bess, being an NBCT means an opportunity to continue learning from candidates and other colleagues the real meaning of accomplished teaching. They share the fruits of their continued collaboration within these new pages. Bess lives in a rural area on the island of Hawaii. As a Complex Area Resource Teacher for the Hawaii State Department of Education, she works as a member of the leadership team for local area schools to promote standards-based teaching practices and assist with the implementation of various state initiatives. She is also an adjunct faculty member and Hawaii program liaison for an online NBC Master¿s Degree developed by National University in La Jolla, California. In New Jersey, MaryAnn is the program coordinator for the Educational Information and Resource Center NBPTS statewide support classes. She is a member of CAPP ¿ the Committee to Advance Professional Practice, a group of professional and business persons who are working to promote the professional development of teachers through the National Board Teaching Standards in New Jersey.






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