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A Step by Step Guide to School Turnaround

Author(s): Dawn Cobb-Fossnes, Nancy Guzman

Edition: 1

Copyright: 2024

Pages: 182


A Step-by-Step Guide to School Turnaround describes how to turn around a failing school. The authors have had remarkable success in turning around numerous low performing schools, and they use their extensive knowledge of "what works" to lay out clear expectations for instruction, assessment, data collection analysis, and provision of additional support for struggling students. Using their easy-to-implement Six Step Process for Increasing Reading and Math Performance, educators will have the resource needed to structure the school turnaround process to significantly increase reading and math achievement.

The book contains the necessary documents to implement school turnaround including checklists, class reports, student reports, intervention forms, templates, and much more. These resources have been used to successfully turn around multiple schools.

Never before has anyone offered a streamlined, easy-to-implement, structured process explained in a step-by-step format that includes a monitoring plan to expedite and ensure a successful school turnaround.

About the Authors
Chapter 1 Introduction to Six Steps to School Turnaround 
Chapter 2 Step 1: English Language Arts 
Chapter 3  Step 2: English Language Arts 
Chapter 4  Step 3: English Language Arts 
Chapter 5  Step 4: English Language Arts 
Chapter 6  Step 5: English Language Arts 
Chapter 7  Step 6: English Language Arts 
Chapter 8 Step 1: Math 
Chapter 9  Step 2: Math 
Chapter 10  Step 3: Math 
Chapter 11  Step 4: Math 
Chapter 12  Step 5: Math 
Chapter 13  Step 6: Math 
Chapter 14 Dive into Data to Improve Student Learning 
Chapter 15 Strategies to Support School Turnaround 

Dawn Cobb-Fossnes

Dr. Dawn M. Cobb-Fossnes, Ed.D., has been in the field of education since 1980 as a high-school math teacher, guidance counselor, and principal. She currently is an adjunct professor at Liberty University and a middle-school principal at a charter school. Having worked both in private and public schools, she has also been a workshop speaker at several teacher conferences and the co-founder of a private school that included international students. In addition, she is the founder of Melody Ministries, Inc., a non-profit organization that provides a free week of camp for underprivileged boys and girls.

Dawn’s vision and mission has been to help young people become the best they can be, so she recognizes the importance of teaching them to become critical thinkers.

Nancy Guzman

Nancy Guzman is a nationally recognized leader with a proven record of success in designing and executing innovative school strategies that turned the most challenging student achievement goals into reality. With forty-two years of experience, she led a performance turnaround in numerous Title 1 schools, recording substantial improvements in both measurable and intangible areas of evaluations, driven by the schools’ growing reputation for excellence. She is an accomplished change-agent, having worked in school turnaround initiatives in over twenty states, and is a recognized go-to resource, valued for her ability to launch new innovations and deliver exceptional student achievement results in just one year! 

During each of these turnarounds, she facilitated strong instructional programs resulting in increased student performance on state proficiency tests at an accelerated rate compared to similar schools in the state. Her school turnaround process creates accountability, teamwork, and a belief that people, and not programs, create results. Her process provides staff with key skills and tools to enhance overall effectiveness and provides immediate and substantial improvement in student learning. An expert in facilitating adult groups through complex problem-solving to action and improvement, she has developed a proven school turnaround process that is student-centered and focuses on the implementation of high-quality core instruction and providing focused and intense additional instructional time and support for struggling learners.

She has spoken at numerous national conferences including National Education Writers Association Conference, National Title 1 Conference, National Reading Conference, Blue Ribbon Schools National Conference, and ASCD National Conference, and she was featured on the Today Show and NBC Nightly News. She has received numerous recognitions for her work in school turnaround, including National Distinguished Principal for North Carolina and National Distinguished Principal for South Carolina. She was awarded two Fulbright Grants to study the educational systems in Brazil and Japan.






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