NEW! BSCS Biology: Understanding for Life is the next generation in a line of BSCS Biology programs that presents inquiry-based, research-driven high school biology programs to teachers and students. This new program is designed for the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) that meet the needs of a changing discipline and educational environment. The program integrates the three-dimensional disciplinary shifts called for in the latest NGSS as well as provides support for educators to successfully implement the curriculum.
BSCS Biology: Understanding for Life has been designed with the explicit goal of preparing students to make well-informed and well-reasoned decisions in their personal, professional, and civic lives. The program provides students with the robust science understanding and lifelong learning skills they will need to keep up with the rapid pace of change in the life sciences they will see over the course of their lives.
Each unit introduces students with a compelling, real-world problem to solve or phenomenon to explain, and is a building block toward solving the unit’s problem and being prepared to address related challenges throughout their lives. The challenges explored in the program’s four units are:
BSCS Biology: Understanding for Life meets expectations in all gateways on Read the Report.