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What a Find!: Analyzing Natural and Cultural Systems

What an appropriate title for an exploration of the field of archaeology! In this award-winning unit for grades 2-4, students are put in the role of junior archeologists at a research museum and discover that construction work has been halted on a new school because historic artifacts were discovered. To determine whether or not the dig is important enough to halt building the school entirely, students learn to excavate and actually conduct the dig -- carefully seeded with "historic artifacts."

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Project M2 Level 1 Unit 1: Exploring Shape Games: Geometry with Imi and Zani Teacher Guide Package

The Teacher Guide Package includes the Teacher Guide, the 3-Year Teacher Guide eBook License, the Scrapbook, and the Center Book (Level K Only).

Teacher Guide + 3 Year License – It provides lesson planning support in the form of materials lists and unit overviews as well as background information on the geometry, measurement, or number concept being introduced. Mathematical communication, di


Beyond Words Teacher Guide

Organized around the study of figurative language, including simile, metaphor, and personification, this unit explores the idea that language can change the way we think about the world by creating new images and connections in our minds.

The Teacher Guide provides comprehensive instructional support, including detailed lesson plans, assessment tools, and opportunities to extend the curriculum to meet a vari


Persuasion Teacher Guide

The Teacher Guide provides comprehensive instructional support, including detailed lesson plans, assessment tools, and opportunities to extend the curriculum to meet a variety of interests and needs.

This unit highlights elements of persuasion, especially as it relates to oral communication. Emphasis is placed on defending points of view in discussion and written arguments, as well as exploring the reasoning process through analysis and interpretation.


Project M2 Level 1 Unit 1: Exploring Shape Games: Geometry with Imi and Zani Teacher Resource Package

The Teacher Resource Package includes the Hint & Think Beyond Cards and Word Wall Cards.

Hint and Think Beyond Cards – Designed to challenge students who demonstrate mastery of each unit’s concepts and objectives, these cards encourage students to expand their knowledge by using more complex reasoning.

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Project M2 Level 1 Unit 2: Creating the School Measurement Fair: Measuring with Imi and Zani Teacher Guide Package

The Teacher Guide Package includes the Teacher Guide, the 3-Year Teacher Guide eBook License, the Scrapbook, and the Center Book (Level K Only).

Teacher Guide + 3 Year License – It provides lesson planning support in the form of materials lists and unit overviews as well as background information on the geometry, measurement, or number concept being introduced. Mathematical communication, di


Autobiographies and Memoirs Teacher Guide

In this unit, students in grades 5–6 study the concept of change by reading autobiographies of writers and by looking at change in the lives of writers and other artists. As they examine life stories and self-portraits, they study literature and examine works of art from various cultures. In order to gain insight into the development of talent, students are encouraged to explore their own identities as talented learners through discussions, research, oral presentations, and reflective writing. Autobiographical