From Illustrative Mathematics
IM Community Hub Now LIVE! This is the home for users of Illustrative Mathematics authored curricula and people who support them. Here you will find resources and connections with other IM users, as we work together toward a world where learners know, use, and enjoy mathematics. The hub includes the Curriculum Adaptation Packs, Section Guides for Distance Learning, Cool Down Guidance, Unit Math Story Videos, Video Lesson Summaries and much more.
Unfinished Learning Resources To address unfinished learning for your students in the fall, IM has created just in time adaptation packs and supports to engage all students with grade-level content. These resources seamlessly integrate with the curriculum’s scope and sequence.
- Section Planning Guides: Grades 6-12
- Adaptation Packs: Grades K-5; Grades 6-12
Online Learning Resources As you look at the possibility of distance learning models, IM is providing guidance and resources to keep your students engaged and give every student access to grade-level mathematics. The guidance will support your students' social-emotional learning needs and provides opportunities to synthesize their learning before moving on. These resources include:
- PBS School Kit Video Lessons
- Video Lesson Summaries
- Grade 6, Unit 1 Area and Surface Area
- Grade 6, Unit 2 Introducing Ratios
- Grade 6, Unit 3 Unit Rates and Percentages
- Grade 6, Unit 4 Dividing Fractions
- Grade 7, Unit 1 Scale Drawings
- Grade 7, Unit 2 Introducing Proportional Relationships
- Grade 7, Unit 3 Measuring Circles
- Grade 7, Unit 4 Proportional Relationships and Percentages
- Grade 8, Unit 1 Rigid Transformations and Congruence
- Grade 8, Unit 2 Dilations, Similarity, and Introducing Slope
- Grade 8, Unit 3 Linear Relationships
- Grade 8, Unit 4 Linear Equations and Linear Systems
- Algebra 1, Unit 1 One-variable Statistics
- Algebra 1, Unit 2 Linear Equations, Inequalities and Systems
- Algebra 1, Unit 3 Two-Variable Statistics
- Algebra 1, Unit 4 Linear Equations, Inequalities, and Systems
- Unit Lesson PowerPoints/Google Slides
- IM Certified Blog Corner
- Cool-Down Guidance: Grades 6-12
- Unit Math Story Videos: Grades 6-8
- Ongoing Virtual Professional Learning for IM K-12 Math Contact your state-specific representative for more information
Google Classroom integration with Illustrative Mathematics Here are some tips and tricks for importing the Illustrative Mathematics curriculum into your Google Classroom and information on how to load lesson level files.
Get to Know Illustrative Mathematics Videos Whether you are new to Illustrative Mathematics or a veteran user, explore the videos Kendall Hunt has put together for the IM K-5 Math, IM 6-8 Math, and IM 9-12 Math.
- IM K-12 Full Program Walkthrough reviews the full offering of Illustrative Mathematics K-12 Math by Kendall Hunt.
- IM K-5 Program Walkthrough covers the overarching design structure, teacher support, resources, the free digital access and more.
- IM K-5 Digital Program Walkthrough reviews what is available within the Kendall Hunt Illustrative Mathematics digital platform for Kindergarten through Grade 5.
- IM 6-8 Program Walkthrough highlights IM's 6-8 curriculum. Learn about the overarching design structure, teacher support, resources, free digital access and more.
- IM 6-8 Digital Program Walkthrough provides an in-depth walkthrough of the Kendall Hunt Illustrative Mathematics online curriculum at
- IM Accelerated Middle School Program Walkthrough highlights the IM 6-8 Accelerated Program. Lean how this curriculum compacts all of the standards in IM 6–8 Math and into a two-year curriculum to be covered during 6th and 7th grades.
- IM 9-12 Program Walkthrough reviews Illustrative Mathematics Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 programs. Learn about the overarching design structure, teacher support, resources, free digital access and more.
- IM 9-12 Digital Program Walkthrough reviews what is available within the Kendall Hunt Illustrative Mathematics digital platform for Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 at
- IM GeoGebra Hybrid Walkthrough reviews how to utilize GeoGebra with the Illustrative Mathematics 6-8 and high school curriculum.
- How to Teach Using Geogebra in a Virtual Environment reviews how to utilize Geogebra with Illustrative Math's 6-8 and high school curriculum.
Ongoing Assistments New User and Drop-In Help Session Webinars Learn More and register here.
Video Library Videos showing ASSISTments teachers in action. See how they implement ASSISTments and analyze data in their classrooms. Check out the Webinar Library for even more video content.
Get to Know Discovering Mathematics Videos Explore the three programs within the Discovering Mathematics Series, Discovering Algebra, Discovering Geometry and Discovering Advanced Algebra. From general program overviews to reviewing the curriculum within our digital platform, Flourish, the videos can provide a stepping stone to the curriculum.
- Discovering Math Program Walkthrough provides an overview of the Discovering Algebra, Discovering Geometry, and Discovering Advanced Algebra programs. The video reviews lesson instructional model, teacher support, digital resources within Kendall Hunt's digital platform, Flourish at and more.
- Discovering Math Digital Program Walkthrough, learn how to navigate through Kendall Hunt's digital platform, Flourish, with the digital content in the Discovering Algebra, Discovering Geometry, and Discovering Advanced Algebra programs at
- Problem Strings Demo, Pam Harris demonstrates how a Problem String works in a classroom.
- Karen Greenhaus demonstrates how investigations work in the Discovering Mathematics series.
- Kendall Hunt's Cohesive Assessment System, (CAS) learn how to make a test or worksheet using the Discovering Mathematics curriculum, assign it to students to complete online, and see reports in CAS. is embedded into the Discovering Mathematics student ebooks and they have a variety of additional resources available to assist you and your students. View their many resources here or check out their ongoing webinars here.
Condensed Lessons are abbreviated versions of the lessons that could be assigned for students to complete on their own in an Asynchronous Online situation (and are available in our digital platform, Flourish, with other curriculum components). The lessons could then be discussed during Face to Face class time or Synchronous Online class time.
PowerPoint Lessons The PowerPoint Presentations provided for each lesson can be customized to use during Synchronous Online class time (and are available in our digital platform, Flourish, with other curriculum components).
Additional Math Resources Looking for other math resources outside of those provided above? Check out the resources from Geogebra and general resources from
Get to Know Forensic Science Videos From a general program overview to reviewing the curriculum within our digital platform, Flourish, the videos can provide a stepping stone to the curriculum.
- Forensic Science Program Walkthrough provides an in-depth overview of the Forensic Science program. Learn about the lesson structure, teacher support, digital resources within Kendall Hunt's digital platform, Flourish at, Murder at Old Fields and more.
- Forensic Science Digital Program Walkthrough learn how to navigate Kendall Hunt's digital platform, Flourish, at for the Forensic Science program.
- Kendall Hunt's Cohesive Assessment System, (CAS) learn how to make a test or worksheet, assign it to students to complete online, and see reports in CAS.
Lab Activities Can Be Assigned in Different Digital Platforms Forensic Science contains many tech activities for students to perform online. Here are some ideas from the Cybercrime Chapter that can be adapted to use in other chapters.
OpenSciEd Middle Grades Free Science Program
OpenSciEd was launched to improve the supply of and address the demand for high-quality, open-source, full course science instructional materials. The goals of OpenSciEd are to ensure any science teacher, anywhere, can access and download freely available, high quality, locally adaptable materials. OpenSciEd is releasing six-week units of instruction as they are completed and externally evaluated as quality by Achieve’s Science Peer Review Panel.
OpenSciEd classroom materials are an open education resource and therefore free to download, copy, use, and/or modify. The instructional materials are available to download free of charge from the Access Materials page on the OpenSciEd website.
Remote Learning Adaptations The modified materials assume that teachers will have synchronous virtual meetings with students in addition to home learning. Examples of specific interactive platforms to support synchronous virtual meetings are provided, which can be adapted to the tools available in your district. This guide is intended as a supporting document and should be used in conjunction with the unit’s Teacher Edition. Access materials here.
Staying Grounded when Teaching Remote is a webinar series to support educators to stay grounded in the best practices of science teaching and learning while they shift to remote learning during school closures in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. This series focuses on routines and elements of storyline instructional models that are central to OpenSciEd materials. These webinars are a collaborative effort of the University of Colorado, The Charles A. Dana Center at the University of Texas, and OpenSciEd. View webinar series.
Presentations and Webinars Access archived webinars, slides, and view upcoming events here.
- Getting to know OpenSciEd Webinar Join the OpenSciEd team as they describe the unit development process, structure of the materials, about the released units, and how to implement them in your classroom. View Getting to know OpenSciEd Webinar slides.
- Getting to Know Light & Matter Unit Webinar Designed for grade 6, learn more about Getting to know Light & Matter: Why do we sometimes see different things when looking at the same object? Student Edition. You will be able to experience digitally part of the unit, investigate the storyline, and identify the resources built into the unit that supports the shifts called for by A Framework for K-12 Science Education and the NGSS.
- Getting to Know Weather, Climate & Water Cycling Designed for grade 6, learn more about Getting to know Weather, Climate & Water Cycling: Why does a lot of hail, rain or snow fall at some times and not others? Student Edition. You will be able to experience digitally part of the unit, investigate the storyline, and identify the resources built into the unit that supports the shifts called for by A Framework for K-12 Science Education and the NGSS.
- Getting to know the Thermal Energy Unit Webinar Designed for grade 6, learn more about Thermal Energy: How Can Containers Keep Stuff From Warming Up or Cooling Down? Student Edition. You will be able to experience digitally part of the unit, investigate the storyline, and identify the resources built into the unit that supports the shifts called for by A Framework for K-12 Science Education and the NGSS.
- Getting to Know Chemical Reactions & Matter Designed for grade 7, learn about Getting to know Chemical Reactions & Matter: How Can We Make Something New That Was Not There Before? Student Edition. You will be able to experience digitally part of the unit, investigate the storyline, and identify the resources built into the unit that supports the shifts called for by A Framework for K-12 Science Education and the NGSS.
Getting to Know Matter Cycling & Photosynthesis Designed for grade 7, learn about Getting to know Matter Cycling & Photosynthesis: How do you things inside our bodies work together to make us feel the way they do? Student Edition. You will be able to experience digitally part of the unit, investigate the storyline, and identify the resources built into the unit that supports the shifts called for by A Framework for K-12 Science Education and the NGSS.
inquiryHub Biology for High School
inquiryHub is a Research + Practice Partnership program housed at the University of Colorado Boulder’s Institute of Cognitive Science. inquiryHub engages in research and development of materials, tools, and processes to promote equitable student learning of STEM.
inquiryHub Biology for High School is a deeply digital open educational resource with a license under Creative Commons. Users can access the digital materials at no cost as well as download, copy, print and/or make productive adaptations to the materials for use in the classroom. The course curriculum can be accessed via the inquiryHub Biology Landing page. To facilitate classroom use of the curriculum, inquiryHub Biology and Kendall Hunt are working together to provide affordable, printed companion materials. For content and course-use questions contact
Staying Grounded when Teaching Remote is a webinar series to support educators to stay grounded in the best practices of science teaching and learning while they shift to remote learning during school closures in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. This series focuses on routines and elements of storyline instructional models that are central to inquiryHub Biology materials. These webinars are a collaborative effort of the University of Colorado, The Charles A. Dana Center at the University of Texas, and OpenSciEd. View webinar series.
Kendall Hunt's Gifted offerings include Project M2: Mentoring Young Mathematicians (grades K-2), Project M3: Mentoring Mathematical Minds (grades 3-6), William & Mary Center for Gifted Education Language Arts (grades 1-12), Science (grades 6-8) and Social Studies (grades 2-10).
Project M3 Digital Resources We have compiled all the digital resources available within Flourish for Project M3: Mentoring Mathematical Minds. Review what's included here.
Gifted Educator Shirley Fortenbaugh shares tips on using Project M3 in a virtual environment, including how to best utilize manipulatives in this video.
The video series Tech Time for Teachers reviews how to use Kendall Hunt's Project M2 and Project M3 curriculum in a distance learning environment.
- Review using Jamboard for Project M2 here and Project M3 here.
- Learn how to incorporate Google slides using Project M3 here.
- Explore how to use digital games in Project M2 here and Project M3 here.
How to Navigate Flourish Check out this great resource on how to navigate the William & Mary Language Arts and Social Studies Gifted programs in Kendall Hunt's digital platform, Flourish here.
William & Mary Language Arts Literature Web Model Overview Dr. Elissa Brown reviews a learning model for a William & Mary Language Arts unit.
William & Mary Language Arts Vocabulary Web Overview Melissa Edmonds using William & Mary Language Arts Unit Journeys & Destinations to review the vocabulary web model.
William & Mary Language Arts Hamburger Model Overview Melissa Edmonds reviews the Hamburger Model for Persuasive Writing from a William & Mary Language Arts unit.
Stories of God’s Love is available for preschoolers ages 3-4 and/or 4-5, and kindergarten. This program follows a scripture-based approach presenting the Bible as the source for learning about God. Developmentally appropriate stories are presented from the Old and New Testaments.
Free resources for teachers and catechists can be found here.
Preschool Catechists/Teachers – Review Religion Readiness and the Young Child, Serving Today’s Families, Supporting Family Involvement and Prayers in the Preschool Setting, to name a few. Find interactive games, sample music from the program and find other resources.
Kindergarten Catechists/Teachers – Review Who is the Kindergarten Child, Seasonal Parent/Child Events, Scope and Sequence and Catechist Prayer, to name a few. Find interactive games, sample music from the program and find other resources.
Miss Debbie’s Tips for Early Childhood Educators In partnership with the Early Childhood experts at the University of Dayton, these short training videos contain tips that will help you engage young children in your preschool and kindergarten classrooms.
Join Miss Debbie as she prepares to teach each lesson in Stories of God's Love for preschool ages 4-5. These tips for teachers and catechists may be used for our Stories of God's Love 3-4, 4-5, and Kindergarten programs.
Early Childhood Professionals: Finding Strength in Uncertain Times Pamela Perrino MS. ED., Early Childhood Advocate and Educational Consultant reviews strategies to take care of teachers, so the teachers can take care of students and families as well as identify and grow protective factors.
Early Childhood Education: Planting Seeds of Faith with Young Children Pamela Perrino MS. ED., Early Childhood Advocate and Educational Consultant reviews ways to address Catholic identity in young children.
Be My Disciples empowers students and their families to answer Jesus' invitation to be his disciples and to develop the habits of lifelong discipleship. This program incorporates the latest findings in brain research and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) standards. Innovative features develop religious literacy and invite the integration of faith and life. Additionally, many resources are included for students, teachers, and families to help reinforce lessons learned.
Our learning resources, including eGuides, eBooks, eAssessments, and online chapter reviews expand learning opportunities for students and flexibility for teachers.
Be My Disciples is an innovative and complete religious education program that empowers students and their families to grow in their relationships with Jesus Christ, to develop the habits of discipleship, and to decide each day to live as followers of Jesus.
The program offers:
- A comprehensive and complete program for Catholic school religious education
- Innovative features to develop religious literacy and invite the integration of faith and life
- Online resources for children, parents, teachers, and program directors
- Engaging lesson plans, as well as an easy-to-use lesson planner for each chapter
Explore lesson resources, enrichment activities, current events, and additional tools to use alongside the program throughout the liturgical year here.
Adapting the Be My Disciples Teacher/Catechist Guide for Distance Learning and Online Learning Amy McEntee shares how to adapt the Teacher/Catechist Guide to meet your needs regardless of your learning environment.
Blest Are We Faith in Action program engages children, youth, and their families in learning what Catholics believe, how Catholics worship, how Catholics pray, and how Catholics live.
Our technology enhanced learning resources, including eGuides, eBooks, eAssessments, and online chapter reviews expand learning opportunities for students and flexibility for teachers.
Blest Are We Faith in Action offers:
- Faith in Action pages for each chapter, establishing a strong connection to Catholic Social Teaching.
- Redesigned Take Home pages, supporting families in the faith formation of their children
- Increased focus on children with special learning needs, addressing practical ways to adapt lessons.
- Training videos for teachers, ebooks, eAssessments, Family Resources, Catholic Resources, Saints Resources, Lectionary Resources and more!
Adapting the Blest Are We Faith in Action Teacher Guide for Distance Learning and Online Teaching Amy McEntee shares how to adapt the Teacher Guide to meet your needs regardless of your learning environment.
Other Resources to Support Teachers and Catechists
Remote Teaching Tips for Teachers and Catechists Helpful tips to keep in mind when teaching remotely.
Praying the Scriptures Resources for catechists to help guide families to lead their children to encounter Christ.
Bite-Sized Catechesis: Tips and Tricks for Online Faith Formation Join Amy McEntee, MA, MS as she reviews digital and tech-free examples of home-based faith formation efforts.
Teaching Religion Online: Sharing the Gospel While Sharing Your Screen Amy McEntee, MA, MS, that reviews the essential considerations and practical suggestions for engaging children and families in a digital catechetical process.
Overview of the Cohesive Assessment System (CAS) Join RCL Benziger Consultant Ron Lampe as he reviews Kendall Hunt's Cohesive Assessment System (CAS) including e-assessments for grades 1-8.
Catholic Social Teaching to support Teachers and Catholic Social Teaching to support Cathechists Tips for incorporating the seven principals of Catholic Social Teaching in a school or parish setting.
Flipped Classroom Basics: For Teachers and Catechists Review of how to effectively “flip” the classroom teaching model.
Catholic Schools Week Jan. 31-Feb. 6, 2021, Free resources and ideas from RCL Benziger
A variety of other resources including upcoming webinar schedules and previous on demand webinar recordings can be found here.
Holiday Resources
Ordinary Time Resources - Winter
How to Teach Discovery Videos Designed for teachers to help give you ideas on how to teach inquiry or problem-based lessons using different digital tools.
- Teaching Using Break-Out Rooms A review of how to utilize breakout rooms with your class.
- Teaching Using Jamboard Tips to using Jamboard to keep students actively learning.
- Teaching Using Videos Tips to using videos to keep students engaged
Other videos - Fun Ways to Get to Know Your Students Tips Fun ideas to get to know your students whether in a virtual or in class environment.
Resources from Family Time Reading Fun: Help Children Become Successful Listeners, Speakers, Thinkers, Readers and Writers: A Resource for Parents, Teachers, and Tutors - Clapping Machine
- Cleaning Day Fun
- Drivin to the Beat
- Not a Bore Chore
30-Day Access to Teacher Curriculum
We understand that not every curriculum is the right fit for your classroom. If you are looking to explore additional options for your school and/or district, Kendall Hunt offers 30-day access to our K-12 digital curriculum for you to sample. By requesting a free trial, educators will have access to teacher editions via our digital platform, Flourish. Offerings include:
Still not finding what you’re looking for? Kendall Hunt offers you the choice of Creating, Customizing, and Adopting your curriculum to fit your needs with ConstructEd. View samples of our previous projects for schools just like yours.