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William & Mary Language Arts Third Edition


The William & Mary Language Arts, 3rd Edition units have been designed to develop students' skills in literary analysis and interpretation, persuasive writing, linguistic competency, and oral communication. They strengthen students' reasoning skills and overall understanding of the concept of change. Every unit engage learners through exploring carefully selected, challenging works of literature from various time periods, cultures, and genres; and they encourage students to reflect on their readings through writing and discussion.

The units also provide numerous opportunities for students to explore interdisciplinary connections to language arts and to conduct research around issues relevant to their own lives.

New Edition Features

  • The Teacher Guide is in full color and provides online access to an interactive eBook, which includes printable blackline masters, new extension activities, lesson models, and technology tips for better integration in the classroom and at home. 
  • The Student Literature Workbook is in full color and is available in either a print or digital format. Printed copies include additional space for students to write and draw their responses while the digital version provides fillable PDFs for ease of use for printing or submitting electronically.
  • Tradebook selections are updated and more reflective of students’ interests.
  • Flexibility in homework frequency and implementation
  • Inclusion of additional extension activities and more alternative lesson resources
  • Technology integration tips to support learning in the classroom and at home
  • An Online Resources Hub provides additional resources such as videos, readings, and activities for further enhancement.