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Project M2 Level K Unit 1: Sizing Up the Lily Pad Space Station: Measuring with the Frogonauts Manipulative Kit

This kit includes the following items:

  • 3 centimeter cubes, 100/package
  • 6, 16 oz. funnels
  • 3 manipulative 2cm color cubes, 102/bag
  • 6 sets of 4 measuring cups
  • Self-sticking 3"x5" no


Project M2 Level 1 Unit 2: Creating the School Measurement Fair: Measuring with Imi and Zani Student Mathematician Journal

The Student Mathematician’s Journal presents simulated or real-life problems that encourage students to think, write, and read like mathematicians. They are asked to reflect on what they have learned and communicate in writing on worksheets.

In this unit, students question measurement in the world around them, wondering how heavy a box of toys is, how bit the playground is, and the length of their n


BSCS Science Tracks: Connecting Science And Literacy: Investigating Objects In The Sky Teacher Edition

EARTH & SPACE SCIENCE-In this module, students explore and describe the position, appearance, and motion (or apparent motion) of objects in the sky, specifically the Moon, the Sun and the stars. They use their shadows to determine the changing position of the Sun in the daytime sky and use direct observations to describe the changing position of the Moon during the day and at night and of the stars in the nighttime sky. Students also observe that the Moon appears to change its shape every day in a repeating pattern that takes approxima


To God Be the Glory: Visual Reflections of God's Greatness

"I am often asked how I?m able to go to so many wonderful locations to shoot photos. The answer is that I work for a worldwide church that is actively involved with the peoples of the world. As part of the church?s administration team, it is my privilege to travel to many parts of the world to minister to and learn from the people we serve. It is my practice to carry a camera with me and to find a few moments to seek out and capture God?s beauty, be that in the face of a child in Cameroon or a bird in China.

I have learned that there is beauty everywhere?even in my own backyard?from t


Project M2 Level 2 Unit 2: Using Everyday Measures: Measuring with the Meerkats Student Mathematician's Journal

The Student Mathematician’s Journal presents simulated or real-life problems that encourage students to think, write, and read like mathematicians. They are asked to reflect on what they have learned and communicate in writing on worksheets.

In this unit, students explore the measurement concepts of length, area, and capacity. Throughout the unit, students also develop mathematical communicatio