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SOMETHING FISHY: EXPLORING AN AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMSomething Fishy: Exploring an Aquatic Ecosystem

Something Fishy poses an ill-structured problem that will lead students in grades 6-8 into an interdisciplinary study about several individual system and their interactions. The content of the unit focuses on the various systems involved in the pollution of a local body of water: the aquatic ecosystem, chemical reaction systems, government systems, and economic systems. Students are challenged to grapple with real-world concerns and develop recommendations through simulation activities based on the scientific process.


Project M2 Level 1 Unit 1: Exploring Shape Games: Geometry with Imi and Zani Student Mathematician Journal

The Student Mathematician’s Journal presents simulated or real-life problems that encourage students to think, write, and read like mathematicians. They are asked to reflect on what they have learned and communicate in writing on worksheets.

In this unit, students explore two-dimensional shapes and in doing so, discover properties of these shapes rather than memorize definitions given to them.


Project M3: Level 3-4: Digging for Data: Collecting, Displaying and Analyzing Data Manipulative Kit

This kit contains the following items:

  • 3x5" yellow adhesive notes, 5 packs of 100
  • Colored pencils, 5 sets of 12
  • Data information cards, 1 sheet
  • 8.5x11" graph paper, 100/pack
  • 12"/30cm plast


Project M2 Level 1 Unit 1: Exploring Shape Games: Geometry with Imi & Zani Manipulative Kit

This kit includes:

  • 3/4" counters, trans 6 color, set of 250
  • 5/8" white dot dice, set of 8
  • 20" diameter grouping circle, set of 6
  • KH PM2 attribute shape label cards, set of 72
  • KH PM2 attrib


Project M3: Level 5-6: What Are Your Chances? Probability in Action Manipulative Kit

This kit includes the following items:

  • Manipulite attribute blocks ESS, 5 sets of 32
  • Lunch size paper bags, 50/pack
  • Quarters coins, 100/pack
  • Colored pencils, 5 sets of 12
  • 3/4" trans c