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IM v.360: Grade 2 Spanish Teacher Guide Set

IM K-5 MathTM  v.360 is an IM Certified product providing trusted, highly rated materials to ensure students thrive in mathematics. Each Illustrative Mathematics lesson has four phases, from pre-unit practice modules to cool downs, focusing students’ attention on definitions, notations, and graphical conventions contributing to the development of real numbers.

Grade 2<




Not a traditional textbook - the Minds On Physics Student Text is comprised of two parts: Activities and the Reader. The Activities form an integrated set of thoughtful engagements for students, and the Reader organizes and summarizes the ideas of the physics content and is meant to be read after students have engaged in associated activities. 



Illustrative Mathematics: Accelerated Course 1 Student Edition Set

IM 6–8 MathTM Accelerated, a compressed version of IM 6–8 Math™ 3.1415, is a thoughtful alternative to conventional accelerated programs because its design eliminates the possibility for unfinished learning as students arrive at Algebra 1. It includes all of the standards in IM 6–8 Math and compacts them into a two-year curriculum meant to be covered during the 6th and 7th grades. The pace is faster than IM 6-8 Math, but no crucial mathematical concepts are missed.


Project M3: Level 5-6: Record Makers and Breakers: Analyzing Graphs, Tables and Equations Card Set

Modeled after Japanese pedagogy, these cards are another unique feature of Project M³  units and encourage students to communicate about their learning. There are two types of cards: Hint Cards to help students move forward with a problem and Think Beyond Cards to challenge students.

This card deck is available for sale to alleviat


BSCS Science Tracks: Connecting Science And Literacy: Investigating Objects In The Sky Teacher Edition

EARTH & SPACE SCIENCE-In this module, students explore and describe the position, appearance, and motion (or apparent motion) of objects in the sky, specifically the Moon, the Sun and the stars. They use their shadows to determine the changing position of the Sun in the daytime sky and use direct observations to describe the changing position of the Moon during the day and at night and of the stars in the nighttime sky. Students also observe that the Moon appears to change its shape every day in a repeating pattern that takes approxima


OpenSciEd Physics + Earth & Space Unit 4: Meteors, Orbits & Gravity Teacher Edition

OpenSciEd High School addresses all high school NGSS standards. This comprehensive science curriculum empowers students to question, design, investigate, and solve the world around them. 

  • Phenomenon Based - Centered around exploring phenomena or solving problems
  • Driven by Student Questions -


Anchored Science Unit 7.3: Moving Thermal Energy Student 1 Year License

Anchored Science by Mi-STAR is a comprehensive middle school science curriculum driven by a bold vision for the future, where science isn’t just a subject but a powerful, integrated body of knowledge that equips students to tackle today’s pressing societal challenges. This curriculum harnesses the full potential of the Next Generation Science Standards, empowering students to actively engage with science and engineering prac