LIFE SCIENCE-In this module, the students plant bean seeds in plastic bag "greenhouses" and observe the growth of the bean plants. In doing so, they learn about the needs of plants and seeds as living organisms and explore what happens if a plant's needs are not met. The students practice the skills of inquiry by setting up and monitoring investigations of their bean plants and develop skills such as observing, recording, measuring, comparing, and analyzing. Students keep journals of plant growth and development and learn about the structu
SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY-This module places emphasis on the processes of technological design as students investigate the size, shape, and strength of various structures. Students determine what shapes make a structure strong and steady and identify the design elements of structures they find in their local environment. In this way, students learn that changing the shape of a material can affect its strength and that joining materials together in certain ways does so as well.
LIFE SCIENCE-During the course of this module, the students explore the characteristics of guppies, snails, and aquatic plants in classroom aquaria. By observing those organisms in their environment, the students learn about what organisms need to survive. They recognize that the structures of the organisms serve specific functions that enable them to survive in their environments. Then, they extend their understanding of organisms' needs and ability to survive in their environments by investigating the characteristics and behaviors of ger
EARTH & SPACE SCIENCE-As the title implies, this is an earth science module in which students investigate rocks, soils, and water and the interactions among them. The students observe the earth materials around them and compare different types of soils and rocks. They become aware that soils and rocks vary from place to place in terms of color, texture, and reactions with water. The module includes an introduction to fossils and their formation.
BSCS Science Track
SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY-This module allows students to explore various sound systems in "sound centers." In the centers, they make and compare sounds by striking, plucking, and blowing through objects. They describe and record their explanations of how the systems produce sounds. They search for sounds at home and in the neighborhood and describe and compare how those sounds are produced. In later lessons, the students investigate ways to change pitch and volume by changing something in a sound system. They develop a musical system using
SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY-Students investigate two types of pollution problems, one personal and one environmental. First, students investigate the effects on the respiratory system of cigarette smoking. They explore the respiratory system and determine how it helps us meet our needs for air. Then, they determine that smoking interferes with the functioning of the respiratory system and reduces its ability to function. Second, students investigate some causes of air pollution in the environment, explore the harmful effects of air pollution
SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY-In this module, students examine possible solutions to environmental problems, such as water pollution from oil spills, solid waste, and destruction of wildlife habitat. Students evaluate proposed solutions to such problems by using the IDEA Method--identifying the problem, describing possible solutions, evaluating the risks and benefits of each possible solution, and arriving at a solution. In this process, students become acquainted with the constraints and trade-offs involved in proposing solutions to environmen
SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY-In this module, students investigate the materials from which objects are made. They discover that all materials have properties, such as color, hardness, transparency, and absorbency, and that people select a material for a certain purpose according to the properties of the material. Students compare materials in terms of their response to puffs of air and water. They compare structures that are made of different materials and explain why certain structures are made of specific materials.
EARTH & SPACE SCIENCE-Students begin this module by using their senses to observe and describe the weather around them. From their sensory observations, students identify patterns, such as seasonal changes, and general weather conditions. Because sensory data usually are not accurate, students use tools, such as thermometers, rain gauges, and wind speed indicators, to describe weather conditions accurately. Teams of students use the tools to collect data of changes in the weather over time and then use their data to describe and compar