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Insights: Grade 6 Human Body Systems Student Science Notebook

In this module, students look at how three different body systems work together to help their bodies function. They begin by looking at the needs their bodies have in order to perform a variety of physical tasks.

As the module continues, the students engage in a variety of activities that demonstrate how the digestive, circulatory, and respiratory systems work interdependently to provide the cells in the body with the nutrients and energy they need.


Ancient Egypt: Gift Of The Nile Teacher Guide

Ancient Egypt: Gift of the Nile

Grades 2-3

This unit is designed around the idea that human civilizations develop and sustain themselves as a collection of interdependent systems. The civilization of ancient Egypt forms the central content of the unit, with exploration of systems of agriculture, economics, language, and leadership in this ancient culture. Students broad


Ancient China: The Middle Kingdom Teacher Guide

The civilization of ancient China forms the central content of the unit, with exploration of systems of language, leadership, economics, and architecture in this ancient culture. Students broaden their understanding by comparing the ancient Chinese civilization with aspects of their own lives and communities.

There is a required Learn more


Building A New System: Colonial America 1607-1763 Teacher Guide

Building a New System: Colonial America 1607-1763
Grades 4-5

This unit begins with an in-depth study of the interrelationships within the Chesapeake Bay System between the Native Americans and the early English colonists in Virginia. The unit then turns to an exploration of the economic, social, and political systems of early America across the colonies, comparing and contrasting the


The World Turned Upside Down: The American Revolution

The World Turned Upside Down: The American Revolution
Grades 4-5

Intensive document analysis and exploration of the concept of cause and effect form the foundation of this unit exploring the Revolutionary period in American history. The World Turned Upside Down explores the chronology and major events leading up to and during the Revolutionary War and uses primary sources to demonstrate the social and political context.




Not a traditional textbook - the Minds On Physics Student Text is comprised of two parts: Activities and the Reader. The Activities form an integrated set of thoughtful engagements for students, and the Reader organizes and summarizes the ideas of the physics content and is meant to be read after students have engaged in associated activities. 



Electricity City: Designing an Electrical System

The award-winning Electricity City unit provides a creative and interdisciplinary approach to introducing fifth- and sixth-grade students to electricity. In this simulated activity, a large recreational complex is being built in the middle of a city, and the students' role is to plan the site's electrical needs, as well as create additional back-up plans. This real-world problem requires students to analyze the situation, determine what type of research is needed, conduct experiments, and evaluate solutions--all experience