This story follows the four March girls---Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy---through their lives during and after the Civil War. Through Louisa May Alcott’s seamless writing and detailed descriptions, readers learn about the daily in’s and out’s of life in mid-1900s New England. Their audience shares in the joys, the laughter, the catastrophes, and the sorrow of the March family, getting to know each girl and their family and friends. However, this heartwarming classic is more than a historical tale or a series of moral lessons. Alcott’s style represents a genre of American literature that is both op
OpenSciEd Middle School science program addresses all middle school NGSS standards. This comprehensive science curriculum empowers students to question, design, investigate, and solve the world around them.
Modeled after Japanese pedagogy, these cards are another unique feature of Project M³ units and encourage students to communicate about their learning. There are two types of cards: Hint Cards to help students move forward with a problem and Think Beyond Cards to challenge students.
This card deck is available for sale to alleviat
Extend hands-on science learning in your classroom with aligned manipulative kits for the