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OpenSciEd Grade 1 Unit 1: Waves (Light) Student Edition, Kendall Hunt Publishing, Elementary Science, Phenomenon based curriculum


OpenSciEd Grade 1 Unit 1: Waves (Light) Student Edition

The OpenSciEd elementary science program aligns with all NGSS standards for elementary education.


Building A New System: Colonial America 1607-1763 Teacher Guide

Building a New System: Colonial America 1607-1763
Grades 4-5

This unit begins with an in-depth study of the interrelationships within the Chesapeake Bay System between the Native Americans and the early English colonists in Virginia. The unit then turns to an exploration of the economic, social, and political systems of early America across the colonies, comparing and contrasting the


Project M3: Level 4-5: At the Mall With Algebra: Working With Variables and Equations Card Set

Modeled after Japanese pedagogy, these cards are another unique feature of Project M³  units and encourage students to communicate about their learning. There are two types of cards: Hint Cards to help students move forward with a problem and Think Beyond Cards to challenge students.

This card deck is available for sale to alleviate teacher prep time in copying


A World of Wild, Wacky, Wonderful Words Teacher Guide 1 Year License with Student Guide Word Doc file for 15 Students

This unit is designed to engage primary students with high abilities in the verbal domain in challenging reading, writing, and interpretation skills in the language arts. It reflects talented young learners’ need for greater exposure to higher-level thinking activities sooner in their school years than other students. The unit specifically focuses on literature that uses extensive figurative language in order to support young children’s development of metaphoric competence in the areas of both comprehension and


IM v.360: Grade 4 Spanish Teacher Resource Copy Master Set

IM K-5 MathTM  v.360 is an IM Certified product providing trusted, highly rated materials to ensure students thrive in mathematics. Each Illustrative Mathematics lesson has four phases, from pre-unit practice modules to cool downs, focusing students’ attention on definitions, notations, and graphical conventions contributing to the development of real numbers.

Grade 4<