This unit provides an introduction to fractions, focusing on the meaning of mathematical operations in contextual situations rather than learning algorithms to perform computations. Students will learn the relative sizes of fractions and make estimates based on their mathematical thinking when ordering, comparing, adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing two or more fractions.
The Teacher Guide<
IM K-5 MathTM v.360 is an IM Certified product providing trusted, highly rated materials to ensure students thrive in mathematics. Each Illustrative Mathematics lesson has four phases, from pre-unit practice modules to cool downs, focusing students’ attention on definitions, notations, and graphical conventions contributing to the development of real numbers.
Grade 3<
OpenSciEd Middle School science program addresses all middle school NGSS standards. This comprehensive science curriculum empowers students to question, design, investigate, and solve the world around them.
Modeled after Japanese pedagogy, these cards are another unique feature of Project M³ units and encourage students to communicate about their learning. There are two types of cards: Hint Cards to help students move forward with a problem and Think Beyond Cards to challenge students.
This card deck is available for sale to alleviat