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Anchored Science Unit 8.7: Global Climate Change Student Workbook

Anchored Science by Mi-STAR is a comprehensive middle school science curriculum driven by a bold vision for the future, where science isn’t just a subject but a powerful, integrated body of knowledge that equips students to tackle today’s pressing societal challenges. This curriculum harnesses the full potential of the Next Generation Science Standards, empowering students to actively engage with science and engineering prac


The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Tradebook

Mark Twain created one of America s best-loved fictional characters when he wrote The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Using realistic language, Twain tells the story of two runaways Huck Finn and the slave Jim and their adventures down the Mississippi River on a raft. Though the story focuses on the humorous exploits of an imaginative adolescent, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885), told from the point of view of Huck, ultimately is concerned with deeper themes man s inhumanity to man and the hypocrisy of conventional values.<

OpenSciEd Grade 4 Unit 1: Energy Transfer: Collisions Student Edition, Kendall Hunt Publishing, Elementary Science, Phenomenon based curriculum


OpenSciEd Grade 4 Unit 1: Energy Transfer: Collisions Student Edition

The OpenSciEd elementary science program aligns with all NGSS standards for elementary education.


Illustrative Mathematics: Geometry Teacher Guide Set

IM Geometry is problem-based core curricula rooted in content and practice standards to foster learning and achievement for all. Students learn by doing math, solving problems in mathematical and real-world contexts, and constructing arguments using precise language. Teachers can shift their instruction and facilitate student learning with high-leverage routines that guide them in understanding and making connections between concepts and procedures.


Anchored Science Unit 8.1: Adaptation and Natural Selection Student 1 Year License

Anchored Science by Mi-STAR is a comprehensive middle school science curriculum driven by a bold vision for the future, where science isn’t just a subject but a powerful, integrated body of knowledge that equips students to tackle today’s pressing societal challenges. This curriculum harnesses the full potential of the Next Generation Science Standards, empowering students to actively engage with science and engineering prac


Illustrative Mathematics: Grade 4 Teacher Resource Copy Master Set

Illustrative Mathematics K-5 MathTM is an IM Certified product providing trusted, highly rated materials to ensure students thrive in mathematics. Each Illustrative Mathematics lesson has four phases, from pre-unit practice modules to cool downs, focusing students’ attention on definitions, notations, and graphical conventions contributing to the development of real numbers. 

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