Children look at themselves and their classmates and explore similarities and differences in such characteristics as height, eye color, and hand size. They become aware of how they are similar to those children they may see as different because of a physical characteristic (such as skin color) and how they are different from those children they may otherwise see as similar
This module helps to create a positive, supportive atmosphere in which children can realize and appr
OpenSciEd Middle School science program addresses all middle school NGSS standards. This comprehensive science curriculum empowers students to question, design, investigate, and solve the world around them.
BSCS Biology: Understanding for Life is based on real-world phenomena to promote high school students’ problem-solving, critical-thinking and inquiry skills. This high school curriculum is specifically designed to achieve all expectations in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
This unique student experience allows for opportunities in collaboration and cooperative learning through various
The Teacher Guide Package includes the Teacher Guide, the 3-Year Teacher Guide eBook License, the Scrapbook, and the Center Book (Level K Only).
Teacher Guide + 3 Year License – It provides lesson planning support in the form of materials lists and unit overviews as well as background information on the geometry, measurement, or number concept being introduced. Mathematical communication, di
The Student Mathematician’s Journal allows students to explore simulated or real-life problems and help them to think, write, and read like mathematicians. It encourages students to reflect on what they have learned in each lesson, think deeply about mathematics, and communicate in writing on worksheets.
In this unit on measurement, students actively engage in the measurement process to co
Illustrative Mathematics 6-8 MathTM is an IM Certified product providing trusted, highly rated materials to ensure students thrive in mathematics. Each Illustrative Mathematics lesson has four phases, from pre-unit practice modules to cool downs, focusing students’ attention on definitions, notations, and graphical conventions contributing to the development of real numbers.
In 1966, with no experience or formal scientific training, Dian Fossey left the United States and set up her gorilla observation camp in the Virunga mountains of Africa. Under the sponsorship of Dr. Louis Leakey, the 34-year-old Fossey had embarked on a 19-year project that began as a field study of gorillas but expanded into a labor of love and a mission to protect the magnificent species from extinction. No human ever came closer to the mysterious mountain gorillas than Fossey; but as her relationship with th
This unit provides an introduction to fractions, focusing on the meaning of mathematical operations in contextual situations rather than learning algorithms to perform computations. Students will learn the relative sizes of fractions and make estimates based on their mathematical thinking when ordering, comparing, adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing two or more fractions.
The Teacher Guide<
The Student Mathematician’s Journal allows students to explore simulated or real-life problems and help them to think, write, and read like mathematicians. It encourages students to reflect on what they have learned in each lesson, think deeply about mathematics, and communicate in writing on worksheets.
In this unit, students explore the world of the research scientist and learn how gathering, repr