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Project M3: Level 3-4: Awesome Algebra: Looking for Patterns & Generalization Teacher Text + 3 Year Online License

This unit introduces patterns and encourages learning how they change, how they can be extended or repeated, and/or how they grow. Students will learn to organize the information systematically and analyze it to develop generalizations about the mathematical relationships in the patterns.

The Teacher Guide is designed to provide background information on the mathematics being taught in thi


Personal + Community Health

Personal + Community Health by Dr. Joni Boyd and Dr. Shelley Hamill is a complete guide to health for college students. It concentrates on all areas of wellness and focuses equally on physical, mental, emotional, and relational health. Personal + Community Health also includes numerous opportunities for self-assessment and details of how to build healthy habits and maintain them with intentionality. With examples tailored specifically to the college experience, students will discover helpful, applicable information again and


Anchored Science Unit 6.6: Population Growth and Ecological Interactions Student 1 Year License

Anchored Science by Mi-STAR is a comprehensive middle school science curriculum driven by a bold vision for the future, where science isn’t just a subject but a powerful, integrated body of knowledge that equips students to tackle today’s pressing societal challenges. This curriculum harnesses the full potential of the Next Generation Science Standards, empowering students to actively engage with science and engineering prac


Anchored Science Unit 6.3: Nutrition and the Chemistry of Digestion Student 1 Year License

Anchored Science by Mi-STAR is a comprehensive middle school science curriculum driven by a bold vision for the future, where science isn’t just a subject but a powerful, integrated body of knowledge that equips students to tackle today’s pressing societal challenges. This curriculum harnesses the full potential of the Next Generation Science Standards, empowering students to actively engage with science and engineering prac