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IM: Grade 3 Bundle Center Kit

To help educators save time, IM-aligned center kits provide all the printed resources to improve teaching efficiency and enhance student learning!

The Grade 3 Bundle Center Kit includes pre-cut game boards, recording sheets, and center & lessons card decks. 

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Insights: Grades K-1 Balls & Ramps Teacher's Guide

This module builds on children's prior experiences with balls and how they move. Children focus on two themes: the properties and characteristics of balls and some of the factors that affect the way balls behave.

Children begin by comparing how a wide variety of balls roll and bounce; next they construct balls out of clay and many other materials; and then they explore the movement of different balls as the balls roll down ramps, through tubes, and around bends.


Mind Your Time Student Literature Workbook 1 Year License

Each of us has experienced the effects of time on various phases of our life. Many individuals take time for granted and do not understand its important role in their lives. Both the reading selections and instructional activities in this unit were designed to intrigue and challenge high ability students. Students will work independently and in groups doing classwork as well as homework outside of the classroom.

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IM v.360: Grade 2 Center and Lesson Card Deck Kit

To help educators save time, IM v.360-aligned center kits provide all the printed resources to improve teaching efficiency and enhance student learning!

The Grade 2 center and lesson card deck kit includes center & lesson card decks only.  

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Project M3: Level 4-5: Treasures from the Attic: Exploring Fractions Teacher Guide + 3 Year License

This unit provides an introduction to fractions, focusing on the meaning of mathematical operations in contextual situations rather than learning algorithms to perform computations. Students will learn the relative sizes of fractions and make estimates based on their mathematical thinking when ordering, comparing, adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing two or more fractions.

The Teacher Guide<


IM v.360: Grade 2 Teacher Resource Copy Master Set

IM K-5 MathTM  v.360 is an IM Certified product providing trusted, highly rated materials to ensure students thrive in mathematics. Each Illustrative Mathematics lesson has four phases, from pre-unit practice modules to cool downs, focusing students’ attention on definitions, notations, and graphical conventions contributing to the development of real numbers.

Grade 2<